Friday, September 20, 2013
Alternative Current Asset Financing Policies
Most businesses experience
seasonal and/or cyclical fluctuations. For example, construction firms have
peaks in the spring and summer, retailers peak around Christmas and the
manufacturers who supply both construction companies and retailers follow
similar patterns. Similarly, virtually all businesses must build up current
assets when the economy is strong. but they than see off inventories and reduce
receivables when the economy slacks off. still, current assets rarely drop to
zero-companies have some permanent current assets, which are the current assets
on hand at the low point of the cycle. Then, as sales increase during the
upswing, current assets must be increased and these additional current assets
are defined as temporary current assets. The manner in which the permanent and
temporary current assets are financed is called the firm’s current asset
financing policy.
Maturity Matching, or “Self-Liquidating”,
The maturity matching, or “self-liquidating”,
approach calls for matching asset and liability maturities as shown in Panel a
of Figure 17-1. This strategy minimizes the risk that the firm will be unable
to pay off its maturing obligations. To illustrate, suppose a company borrows
on a one year basis and uses the funds obtained to build and equip a plant.
Cash flows from the plant (profits plus depreciation) would not be sufficient
to pay off the loan at the end of only one year, so the loan would have to be
renewed. If for some reason the lender refused to renew the loan, then the
company would have problems. Had the plant been financed with long-term debt,
however, the required loan payments would have been better matched with cash
flows from profits and depreciation, and the problem of renewal would not have
At the limit, a firm could
attempt to match exactly the maturity structure of its assets and liabilities.
Inventory expected to be sold in 30-days could be financed with a 30-day bank
loan; a machine expected to last for 5-years could be financed with a 5-year
loan; a 20-year building could be financed with a 20-year mortgage bond; and so
forth. Actually of course, two factors prevent this exact maturity matching: (1)
there is uncertainty about the lives of assets, and (2) some common equity must
be used and common equity has no maturity. To illustrate the uncertainty
factor, a firm might finance inventories with a 30-day loan, expecting to sell
the inventories and then use the cash to retire the loan. But if sales were
slow, the cash would not be forthcoming, and the use of short-term credit could
end up causing a problem. Still if a firm makes an attempt to match asset and
liability maturities, we would define this as a moderate current asset
financing policy.
Aggressive Approach
Panel b of Figure 17-1
illustrates the situation for a relatively aggressive firm which finances all
of its fixed assets with long-term capital and part of its permanent current
assets with short-term, nonspontaneous credit. Note that we used the term “relatively”
in the title for panel b because there can be different degrees of
aggressiveness. For example, the dashed line in panel b could have been drawn
below the line designating fixed assets, indicating that all of the permanent
current assets and part of the fixed assets were financed with short-term
credit; this would be a highly aggressive, extremely nonconservative position
and the firm would be very much subject to dangers from rising interest rates
as well as to loan renewal problems. However, short-term debt is often cheaper
than long-term debt, and some firms are willing to sacrifice safety for the
chance of higher profits.
Conservative Approach
Panel c of Figure 17-1 has the
dashed line above the line designating permanent current assets indicating that
permanent capital is being used to finance all permanent asset requirements and
also to meet some of the seasonal needs. In this situation, the firm uses a
small amount of short-term, nonspontaneous credit to meet its peak
requirements, but it also meets a part of its seasonal needs by “storing
liquidity” in the form of marketable securities. The humps above the dashed
line represent short-term financing, while the troughs below the dashed line
represent short-term security holdings. Panel c represents a very safe,
conservative current asset financing policy.
Chrysler, which in 1996 had $8.7
billion of cash and marketable securities, fits the panel c pattern. Its
chairman, Robert Eaton, stated that these liquid assets will be needed during
the next recession and he cited as evidence the fact that Chrysler had an
operating cash deficit of more than $4 billion during the 1991-1992 recession.
However, some of Chrysler’s could borrow funds in the future if need be, so the
extra $6.7 billion should be redeployed to earn more than the 3 percent after
taxes it was getting. The Chrysler example illustrates the fact that there is
no clear, precise answer to the question of how much cash and securities a firm
should hold.
Monday, September 9, 2013
Influencing Credit Policy
In addition to the factors
discussed in previous sections two other points should be made regarding credit
Profit Potential
We have emphasized the costs of
granting credit. However, if it is possible to sell on credit and also to impose
a carrying charge on the receivables that are outstanding, then credit sales
can actually be more profitable than cash sales. This is especially true for
consumer durables (autos, appliances, and so on), but it is also true for
certain types of industrial equipment. Thus, GM’s General Motors Acceptance
Corporation (GMAC) unit, which finances automobiles, is highly profitable, as
is Sears’s credit subsidiary. Some encyclopedia companies even lose money of
cash sales but more than make up these losses from the carrying charges on
their credit sales. Obviously, such companies would rather sell on credit than
for cash!
The carrying charges on
outstanding credit are generally about 18 percent on a nominal basis: 1.5
percent per month, so 1.5% × 12 = 18%. This is equivalent to an effective
annual rate of (1.015)12 – 1.0 = 19.6%. Having receivables
outstanding that earn more than 18 percent is highly profitable unless there
are too many bad debt losses.
Legal Considerations
It is illegal under the Robinson
Patman Act, for a firm to charge prices that discriminate between customers
unless these differential prices are cost-justified. The same holds true for
credit it is illegal to offer more favorable credit terms to one customer or
class of customers than to another, unless the differences are cost-justified.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Cash Discounts
The last element in the credit
policy decision, the use of cash discounts for early payment, is analyzed by
balancing the costs and benefits of different cash discounts. For example, a
firm might decide to change its credit terms from “net 30”, which means that
customers must pay within 30 days to “2/10. net 30”, where a 2 percent discount
is given if payment is made in ten days. This change should produce two
benefits: (1) It should attract new customers who consider the discount to be a
price reduction and (2) the discount should cause a reduction in the days sales
outstanding, because some existing customers will pay more promptly in order to
get the discount. Offsetting these benefits is the dollar cost of the
discounts. The optimal discount percentage is establish at the point where the
marginal costs and benefits are exactly offsetting.
If sales are seasonal, a firm may
use seasonal dating on discounts. For example Slimware Inc. a swimsuit
manufacturer, sells on terms of 2/10, net 30, May I dating. This means that the
effective invoice date is May I, even if the sale was made back in January. The
discount may be taken up to May 10; otherwise the full amount must be paid on
May 30. Slimware produces throughout the year, but retail sales of bathing
suits are concentrated in the spring and early summer. By offering seasonal
dating, the company induces induces some of its customers to stock up early,
saving Slimware some storage costs and also nailing down sales.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Collection Policy
Collection policy refers to the
procedures the firm follows to collect past-due accounts. For example, a letter
might be sent to customers when a bill is 10 days past due: a more severe
letter, followed by a telephone call, would be sent if payment is not received
within 30 days and the account would be turned over to a collection agency
after 90 days.
The collection process can be
expensive in terms of both out-of-pocket expenditures and lost
goodwill-customers dislike being turned over to a collection agency. However,
at least some firmness is needed to prevent an undue lengthening of the
collection period and to minimize outright losses. A balance must be struck
between the costs and benefits of different collection policies.
Changes in collection policy
influence sales, the collection period and the bad debt loss percentage. All of
this should be taken into account when setting the credit policy.
Monday, September 2, 2013
The Credit Period And Standards
A firm’s regular credit terms,
which include the credit period and discount, might call for sales on a 2/10.
net 30 basis to all “acceptable” customers. Here customers who pay within 10
days would be given a 2 percent discount, and others would be required to pay
within 30 days. its credit standards would be applied to determine which
customers qualify for the regular credit terms, and the amount of credit
available to each customer.
Credit Standards
Credit standards refer to the
financial strength and creditworthiness a customer must exhibit in order to
qualify for credit. If a customer does not qualify for the regular credit
terms, it can still purchase from the firm, but under more restrictive terms.
For example, a firm’s regular credit terms might call for payment after 30
days, and these terms might be extended to all qualified customers. The firm’s
credit standards would be applied to determine which customers qualified for
the regular credit terms and how much credit each should receive. The major
factors considers when setting credit standards relate to the likelihood that a
given customer will pay slowly or perhaps end up as a bad debt loss.
Setting credit standards requires
a measurement of credit quality, which is defined in terms of the probability
of a customer’s default. The probability estimate for a given customer is, for
the most part, a subjective judgment. Nevertheless, credit evaluation is a
well-established practice, and a good credit manager can make reasonably
accurate judgments of the probability of default by different classes of
Managing a credit department
requires fast, accurate, and up-to-date information. To help get such
information, the National Association of Credit Management (a group with 43,000
member firms) persuaded TRW, a large credit reporting agency, to develop a
computer-based telecommunications network for the collection, storage,
retrieval, and distribution of credit information. A typical business credit
report would include the following pieces of information:
- A summary balance sheet and income statement.
- A number of key rations, with trend information.
- Information obtained from the firm’s suppliers telling whether it pays promptly or slowly, and whether it has recently failed to make any payments.
- A verbal description of the physical condition of the firm’s operations.
- A verbal description of the backgrounds of the firm’s owners, including any previous bankruptcies, lawsuits divorce settlement problems, and the like.
- A summary rating, ranging from A for the best credit risks down to F for those that are deemed likely to default.
Although a great deal of credit
information is available, it must still be processed in a judgmental manner.
Computerized information systems can assist in making better credit decisions,
but in the final analysis, most credit decisions are really exercises in
information judgment.
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